How to Get My Phone to Work Again

No one likes a faulty smartphone. When you keep your whole life (more than or less) on a device, you need that gadget to always function properly. Unfortunately, bugs, crashes, and other bug are inevitable, peculiarly as your telephone gets older.

The good news is many of the virtually mutual issues have relatively simple fixes you can perform yourself. The bad news is that this will non e'er be the case. If these solutions don't exercise the trick, we're pitiful to tell you that you might accept to accept your handset to a professional repair store, or (gasp) upgrade to a newer model.

But earlier yous start panicking, take a deep breath—the solution to your problem might be just a few taps away.

A couple faulty apps

If your phone is slowing downward it might not be considering of a general consequence, but simply due to a few bad apples. Figuring which ane information technology is could save you a trip to the shop and a few bucks. If information technology'southward just a few apps, yous might exist able to repair the situation by deleting the information they store on your phone.

On Android, open Settings, go to Apps & notifications, choose the troublesome app, and tap Storage & cache. Here, you have two options. Outset, effort choosing Clear Cache to erase only the temporary files that the app has stored on your phone. (When these abound too numerous or become corrupted, they can mess with the app'southward speed and power.) Clearing the cache won't mess with the app's settings, but it may not be enough to solve your issue.

If this doesn't help, select Clear Data to erase all the app'due south information and start from scratch. Immigration the information offers a more than comprehensive choice, but you may have to re-enter your information afterwards, such as your username and password.

On iOS, you won't get the same data-immigration options. Instead, you must uninstall and reinstall your app. Find its icon, printing and hold it, and and so tap Delete App option from the drop-down card that appears. So find it in the App Store and reinstall it. This volition wipe all the locally stored data, and the app volition boot up from scratch. If you want to delete a agglomeration of apps at in one case, press and hold 1 app and continue property after the drop-down menu appears. One or two seconds later, all the app icons will starting time shaking and pocket-size grayness X's volition appear on them. Tap the X to delete.

The old uninstall-reinstall trick will also work on Android phones if the immigration-information trick failed. From the hub or your unlocked screen, tap and hold the app'southward icon, then drag it up to the Uninstall push. This method has the added advantage of making sure you're running the latest version of the app, which volition take all the updated patches and bug fixes. But if you want to get the app back, yous'll need to back upwardly the app data—whether it'south documents or high scores—before you jump into uninstall-reinstall. Well-nigh apps can at present shop data in the cloud, but it can't hurt to double check.

If you're still experiencing issues with an app even after uninstalling and reinstalling it, it might exist time to practise some research on whether you lot're dealing with a known problem, or contact the programmer directly with the details of what's going on. Remember to include a thorough description of your issue, the manufacturer, and model of the device y'all're using, plus the Os version it's running. You lot can usually observe developer contact details on the app's online listing.

Widespread bugs

Angry kid with phone
What's that, Timmy? Screen froze again and you can't procrastinate homework anymore? EdZbarzhyvetsky via Depositphotos

If general bug keep actualization nigh at random in all kinds of apps, information technology'll be harder to pivot downwards one root cause. Possibly a hardware component is failing, the device is overheating also often, or an upgrade didn't piece of work correctly. But you won't actually need to diagnose your phone to fix information technology.

The old fallback of turning your device off and on again can sound a little obvious, but it can easily solve a multifariousness of problems. This works because it clears out everything in your telephone's temporary retention, so if a couple apps are making the whole telephone get haywire, it might exist enough to get your device working once more.

If the phone has frozen and you tin can't ability information technology off in the normal way, try a special hardware reset combination. To figure out just what buttons to press and hold in order to force a reset, look up your phone'southward make and model online. You can hands find instructions for Google'southward Pixel phones or Apple tree's numerous iPhone models.

If the off-and-on-again failsafe fails, information technology'south time to indulge in some detective work. Unexplained crashes can be acquired by an overheating phone, so monitor its temperature while you're using and charging it. If information technology's oftentimes hot to the bear on, the event might prevarication with a faulty charger or a battery that'south on its last legs.

A lack of local storage space tin also cause random bugs and crashes, so check how much free room is left on your device. On Android, open Settings and head to Storage. On iOS, open Settings, and so tap Full general and iPhone Storage. If you're running out of infinite, you lot need to brand some room. Almost phones have their ain fashion to assistance y'all free up space, but if yours doesn't, check out our guide for it.

Every bit a last resort, you may desire to consider resetting your whole telephone dorsum to its manufacturing plant settings, which ways wiping off all the data and setting it up once more as if it were brand new. If the problem persists after that, yous're probably looking at a hardware fault. To deal with that, roll downwardly to the "Troubleshooting and other bug" section below.

Poor battery life

Emoji head man using a smartphone.
TFW y'all run out of battery and however aren't sure where you'll be meeting your date. Nicomenijes via Depositphotos

To some extent, anybody struggles with battery life, no affair how new their phone is. Simply when your charge drops past half in just a couple hours, yous're in problem. This tin can happen when a battery gets quondam and starts degrading fast. If this is the case with your phone, yous should look into getting the battery professionally replaced. This will make sense if your telephone is relatively new, just if you bear an old handset around, you may exist overdue for an upgrade. Just don't forget to recycle your one-time one once y'all go a new i.

But before you start researching new phones, try a few tricks to maximize your bombardment life. Beginning, figure out if y'all can blame the battery bleed on one or two apps. In Android, you tin check out how much bombardment each app uses in the Apps & notifications menu, or you lot can bank check general bombardment usage via the Battery entry in Settings. The aforementioned path works on iOS. If you do identify a few energy hogs, remove them from your telephone to see if the problem clears up.

While yous're poking around the Battery menu, you can enable battery saver fashion, called Battery Saver on Androids and Low Power Mode on iPhones. Turning this on won't prepare your underlying bug, but it can give you a bit more than time between charges.

To extend battery life fifty-fifty further, at least temporarily, dim the brightness of the display or periodically put the phone in plane manner. Location tracking can too drain your battery—switch information technology off in Android by going to Settings, and so Location, and in iOS by going to Settings > Privacy > Location Services.

Poor reception

annoyed person searching for signal on their phone
Sometimes you don't even have to be in the eye of nowhere to lose cell reception. Sometimes your telephone thinks your living room is the centre of nowhere. elvinstar via Eolith Photos

Your phone is not always to be blamed if it's having networking issues that brand it difficult to connect to Wi-Fi or catch a cellular signal. The culprit could be external—perchance you are in a notorious dead spot where no one can go any bespeak, or you're at home and other devices are also struggling to connect to the web. If this is the example, you might need to focus your troubleshooting on something other than your handset.

A call to your carrier or internet service provider—if you can bear information technology—could be the next stride in trying to go everything working again. They volition know more nigh the issues specific to your phone and service. Alternatively, try a quick web search using the make and model of your phone and the proper noun of your carrier or internet provider. You might find solutions from people who've had the same problem as yous.

If, after some earthworks, you've adamant that your phone is truly at fault, start with a simple reboot. This will reset all your phone's wireless connections. If y'all'd rather not turn your phone off and on again, attempt turning airplane mode on and off instead—this will have pretty much the same result. You lot can too reset all your network settings, which will wipe out any information on your phone nearly Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and mobile data connections. In Android, become to Settings > System > Advanced > Reset options and Reset Wi-Fi, mobile and Bluetooth, then ostend your selection by tapping on Reset settings. On iOS, go to Settings > Full general > Reset > Reset Network Settings.

For persistent issues, make certain y'all're running the nearly recent version of your mobile operating organisation. This will accept the latest bug fixes and be ready to work with the latest settings from your carrier or router. If you've been putting off an operating-arrangement update, deal with information technology now.

If both the reset and the update fail, you've exhausted your home-repair options. Connectivity is one of those features that should "simply piece of work," then if information technology doesn't, you may be looking at a faulty phone, a damaged SIM bill of fare, or a problem with the network itself. If the consequence started suddenly, and non considering you altered any settings on your phone, it'southward likely that your phone isn't to arraign. In this case, you'll definitely want to telephone call the experts at your phone's manufacturer or your service provider.

Troubleshooting other phone issues

upset person with phone
Don't be scared—if you support your data, a good old factory reset is naught to exist afraid of. Vadymvdrobot via Deposit Photos

If you're having bug that aren't specifically mentioned here, you lot might be able to dig up some solutions online. Just be sure to choose specific keywords that include your type of telephone and the exact problem that's plaguing information technology. Otherwise, you'll encounter thousands of results of varying relevance.

Beyond that, your last resort can be a full phone reset. This process volition return your phone back to its original manufactory state, then if it's still buggy after that, you're probably looking at faulty or failing hardware. Resetting a phone isn't also difficult—just exist sure to back up all your important information offset, because the reset will wipe all of it.

On the most contempo versions of stock Android, you'll need to head to Settings, and then tap System, Avant-garde, and Reset options. Hitting Erase all data (factory reset) and ostend your option. Earlier the procedure starts, you'll see a brief summary of what's going to go wiped. For more details, including some tips on back-ups, wait at Google's official guide. If you're using a non-stock version of Android, the procedure might vary slightly, simply the reset option should exist easy to notice in Settings.

On iOS devices, you'll need to open up Settings, get to General and Reset, then tap Erase All Content and Settings. And then, you'll need to enter your passcode or Apple tree ID and password to confirm your option. Apple tree has a comprehensive guide on this, and another one if you want to reset your telephone using iTunes on a computer.

Remember‚ you'll need to know your Google or Apple account details to gear up the phone from scratch once again. And if you've enabled two-step verification on your accounts, you'll need a backup method for verifying your identity—something that doesn't involve your recently-wiped phone. It might audio like a fiddly process, but it won't take besides much time. Ultimately, the factory reset is the most comprehensive option for fixing a range of persistent device bugs and issues.


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